FORTIFY is a wine & spirits education and appreciation company.
We create a safe space in which to discover the whys of what is going on in the glass you are drinking from.
From informal food & wine pairing nights in your home to globally recognised qualifications, your journey towards alcoholic-enlightenment continues with us.
For the most comfortable and interactive learning experience we adhere to small classroom sizes and cater to mixed-ability groups.
In addition to a prime central London location in which to deliver training and events we also have the flexibility to come to you.
FORTIFY is an independent company with access to the finest speciality importers, which allows us to present both classic examples and unique exceptions from across the wine & spirits world.
We have a proven track record for inspiring further development in our clients, piquing interest with dynamic sessions that have real-world application.
As a female-led business we have an empathetic approach to learning and foster an encouraging environment in which to thrive.